RA layer request failed while git-svn fetch
Li Feng
2009-04-15 03:31:02 UTC

I don't know if this is a proper place for asking this
question, let me know if it's not.

I use git svn to sync with the subversion repos:

$ mkdir prj && cd prj
$ git svn init http://url/to/repos/branches/experimental
$ git svn fetch

and got the error message:

RA layer request failed: OPTIONS of 'http://url/to/repos/branches/experimental':
Could not read status line: connection was closed by proxy server
(http://url/to/repos) at /usr/bin/git-svn line 1352

Why and how can I fix this?

Li Feng
Eric Wong
2009-04-21 18:04:08 UTC
Post by Li Feng
I don't know if this is a proper place for asking this
question, let me know if it's not.
$ mkdir prj && cd prj
$ git svn init http://url/to/repos/branches/experimental
$ git svn fetch
Could not read status line: connection was closed by proxy server
(http://url/to/repos) at /usr/bin/git-svn line 1352
Why and how can I fix this?
Seems like a failed internet connection or the server or proxy went
down. Does restarting git-svn work? If not, I'd check with the SVN
repo with the regular SVN client...
Eric Wong